Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Tuesday, 30th November 2010 - Photo #334

I love this climbing frame at our local park, I know it is well worn and unloved but the colours are lovely. After looking at this picture to put on my blog I didn't like the window frames of the houses behind the park, the white frames were too distracting. So good old photoshop popped the climbing frame as it was the only way I could think of to bring out the colours.

Carrying the camera really makes me notice things like this, I love photographing snowy scenes but why do they have to be so COLD?!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This blog is getting as bad as the tele, what with repeats an all. But hey I will let you off this time as I gone many a time to our local park without my grandchildren and taken lots of similar shots in the snow. Love the colours of the park equipment in the snow and it is usually like your shot devoid of human life. Ha Ha. Well done keep up the good work.
