Saturday, 25 September 2010

Saturday, 25th September 2010 - Photo #268

'The Aliens have Landed'
This weekend is Derby Feste, and the theme this year is colour and light and on Cathedral Green a Luminarium has been erected. Here it is from the other side of the bridge actually looking at the back of it. I took this view as there was a massive queue on the front side. It is an 'inflatable labyrinthine of tunnels and cavernous domes with various lights and reflections inside it'. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to go in the luminarium but I have signed up to do something, more details of that on tomorrows blog. (If it goes wrong it will be a flower!!)
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1 comment:

  1. Strange ???? I thought I would look up the definition of The word Luminarium, my dictionary had no entry. So if all fails go online,!!! and the online dictionary had no entry either. Getting desperate now, went to the source of all knowledge, The Oxford, produced the same result and Cambridge produced nothing either.

    Eventually found an entry in a Latin to English dictinary and got "lamp" or "Light". Hah ???

    Hope tomorrow goes alright don't think I am ready for another flower. doh.
