Thursday, 25 March 2010

Thursday, 25th March 2010 - Photo #84

Got home at dinner and watched a program that I really like called "Open Gardens" (I think I'm getting old!) It inspired me to tidy up my little patch of planted garden in the corner of our lawn. Most of our garden is lawned or has trampoline/rabbit run on it. It looks loads better although when things really start to grow it will be worth a picture (not yet I'm afraid).

Anyway whilst gardening (ie, clearing dead leaves and keeping Zac off the soil and my little plants) I found a few of these leaf skeletons. I love them, they look just like lace and are so delicate. Tried to photograph one with a light behind it and used my old trusty ironing board, tripod, black fleece and a torch. This one was the sharpest and I've converted it to black and white to show the contrast. I've pulled up the shadows too as the texture of the fleece was abit off putting.

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