Wednesday 25 August 2010

Monday, 23rd August 2010 - Photo #235

Sorry there has been no blog for the past few days, we have been to Whitby for my Dad's 70th birthday. There were lots of photo opportunities and I took advantage of them. Monday was the worst day weather wise and we had to dodge the rain to make the best of the Regatta as it finished that day. One thing we noticed was the amount of seagulls (probably due to the amount of fishing boats in the Harbour). This one was particularly noisy, I think it is a young one, due to the brown feathers.
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  1. The trouble we have with seagulls here is unbelievably they are a curse on our way of life. We have more seagulls here than any seaside town and most locals would not want to use a camera to shoot one with, I'm afraid. lol.

  2. I can understand that, the noise and the mess - urgh!!
