Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Wednesday, 20th October 2010 - Photo #293

The girls have had a great night tonight, they have been to an event called 'Vision' which has been held at Elvaston Castle by the Girl Guiding Association to mark their centenary. They made hats (massive, brown paper bag creations!), danced and wrote down what changes they would like to see in 10 years time. Kirsten wants a greener planet and Hope wants to live in a world that is crime free. They had to think about how we can achieve their own 'vision', Kirsten is going to try and use less electricity!

I've colour popped the badge and added a colourful boarder as the brown paper bag hat isn't the most fetching of colours.
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1 comment:

  1. These hats seem to be appearing from all quarters tonight, also just received one from Derby also on my phone. lol.

    Never ever thought a brown paper bag over your head would ever become fashionable, but I suppose with all these cuts anything is up for grabs. lol.
