Friday, 30 April 2010

Friday, 30th April 2010 - Photo #120

"Raindrop eyes"

Found this shot this morning when I noticed how the rain drops on the back of the patio chairs were reflecting the colours of the parasol. I quickly took a couple of pictures before going to work, however, they weren't brilliant so when I got back (and it had rained AGAIN), I decided to have another go with my tripod to get a sharper image. I've found it really difficult trying to focus on water drops before but this one is quite clear. I messed about with cropping and turned it upside down and hey presto!

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Thursday, 29th April 2010 - Photo #119

I saw this effect on the internet and just had to have a go, had to convince the girls it was a good idea first though, they weren't so sure! I tried using my 50mm lens and no flash on the larger picture but it blurred slightly as I was hand holding it and I missed the bright daylight. I've put it in the collage as I love their expressions on it. With a flash gun the shot of Kirsten on her own is alot sharper on the feet which was the desired effect.
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Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Wednesday, 28th April 2010 - Photo #118

Here is another technique I have been meaning to try. Reflections. Kirsten bought these "Lady Gaga" glasses at the weekend and has been living in them ever since! I saw a fab photo done like this into a pair of ski goggles and the reflection was the slopes, sorry my patio will have to do! Just got my hand in though - doh!
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Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Tuesday, 27th April 2010 - Photo #117

Oh Dear! I've really struggled today deciding which picture to use, not because I think they're all brilliant, quite the opposite, I am finding faults in every one. We did our own judging at camera club last night and I am beginning to recognise what judges will pick up on. (Thanks to Nicky and Barry for their advice and for reigning me in with the scoring). So in the end I have decided to make a collage and cover up the bad bits!

I know it's more flowers but the tulips are beautiful and I knocked some petals off taking these shots so don't think they will last too much longer.
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Monday, 26 April 2010

Monday, 26th April 2010 - Photo #116

"Wanna Play"

I read a tip today which I think is a really good idea (especially if you're running out of things to take for your blog!), walk, cycle, or drive for exactly 10 minutes and wherever you stop you have to take a photo there. The tip that I read also said to make the photo black and white but obviously that's up to you. Luckily for me there is a field with shetland ponies in it which is just 10 minutes away (I even set my alarm on my phone so I didn't cheat). This little pony was staring at Zac, who was keen to get abit nearer. The pony was really tiny, luckily Kirsten wasn't with me or she would have wanted to bring it home!!

I'll definitely do this again but go 10 minutes in the other direction.
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Sunday, 25 April 2010

Sunday, 25th April 2010 - Photo #115

Been practising with my flash gun tonight and my subject had to be Zac as everybody else was in bed! Found that positioning the light is vital to getting a natural looking shot, I love the colours of this photo. Note the sad "please don't point that thing at me any more" eyes. Here is a shot taken almost the same but with the light pointing straight at him.

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Saturday, 24 April 2010

Saturday, 24th April 2010 - Photo #114

I was really impressed with Irene Froy who did a talk at camera club a few weeks ago, she takes alot of flowers and scenes and even takes flowers on the roundabout near where she lives. Her photos were stunning. My roundabout is not quite so stunning but has loads of colour from the dandelions. Got a few funny looks whilst taking this but who cares.
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Friday, 23 April 2010

Friday, 23rd April 2010 - Photo #113

Been on a long walk tonight with girls, bikes, husband, dog, puncture repair kit, pump, camera and guess what NO SD CARD!!! How frustrating, especially as the rapeseed fields are just starting to bloom. Then I remembered I had my mobile phone with me which has a fairly decent camera on it. Unfortunately, none of the fields were sharp enough and the sun was really bright, however, as we walked through a tunnel we came across this graffiti. I've seen it on my runs with Alison and we always comment how nice to have something without a swear word in it! Nice and sharp too for saying it was taken on my mobile.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - Photo #112

I think I have overdone the flowers a little bit just lately so decided today to try and take a landscape shot. Not much in the way of impressive vistas on Zac's walk so here is the power station!

The original shot is quite dull and although I've played around with it to try and liven it up abit I think it works best in black and white with the shadows darkened slightly. This shows up the chimneys and smoke better too. It was all about black and white last night at college, can't you tell!

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Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Wednesday, 21st April 2010 - Photo #111

I pass this barn everyday and this door always catches my eye, its paint is well and truly peeling off and is at the top of a set of steps which are quite high with no hand rail. Unfortunately, there is a security light to the side of the building and a brand new gate underneath the steps which detract from the old feeling I wanted for this photo so I've had to crop quite severely. Made it look even older with some desaturation of the colour as the sky was really bright.

Started a Photoshop course tonight so look out for some more editing!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Tuesday, 20th April 2010 - Photo #110

Here's a tip I've learned the hard way today, always make sure your battery is charged especially if you only have one! Took my carmera out to take shots of trees for composition practice (rubbish) so took a dandelion instead. But this is the only one I managed to take before the battery died! Used my close up filter again.
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Monday, 19 April 2010

Monday, 19th April 2010 - Photo #109

Hooray, they've switched the fountain on in the market square so I got a chance to play about with shutter speeds on my camera. Because I hadn't taken my tripod I knew that if I set a long shutter speed it would be blurry but what I noticed was that too long a shutter speed made the picture far too bright, so tried different speeds until I got one that worked and gave the water a misty look. I've made this slightly darker just to highlight the shadow under the waterfall.
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Sunday, 18 April 2010

Sunday, 18th April 2010 - Photo #108

This is based on some photos I saw at the Focus on Imaging Show and they were of brides and grooms with either the rings or the bouquet in focus and the couple kissing or laughing out of focus up against a wall.

Thought it was a great composition and tried it with Kirsten, her hand on its own was a bit boring so I committed a deadly sin of picking a daffodil for her to hold. Shot towards the sun again to highlight the hair and because she was moaning the sun was in her eyes. Used my 50mm lens.
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Saturday, 17 April 2010

Saturday, 17th April 2010 - Photo #107

The Hippo of Allenton!

Another collage I'm afraid. Went for a walk to Allenton today and thought I would photograph the new(ish) seating area that has replica bones on it of the hippopotamus that was found under the Crown Pub in 1895!

Seen the bones at the Derby Musuem a couple of times and can't quite believe that a hippo ever roamed around Derby. Maybe on a nice day like today but not with our usual weather - still it's probably the nearest I'll get to a safari. Took these quick as people thought I was mad but could have done with some Mr Sheen to get some really nice reflections!!
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Friday, 16 April 2010

Friday, 16th April 2010 - Photo #106

Calke's Animals

As Carl is off today we took Zac to Calke Abbey, the lambs are getting bigger and running around having a great time. I love lambs. We sat having a drink when a chaffinch landed on the table next to us. Luckily I was just quick enough for one shot of him before he flew off, he was really colourful. You know the other brown hairy one!
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Thursday, 15 April 2010

Thursday, 15th April 2010 - Photo #105

Been to Alton Towers today, it was a surprise for the girls. It was great, managed to get on all the big rides apart from the new one Thirteen, but the queues were far too long. We went to Sharkbait Reef which is a mini Sea Life Centre and I had to use my little point and shoot without flash, as it can upset the fish. The photos taken inside have come out not too bad but I like this one best which was one I took just to try setting the camera without flash. I like the light coming through onto the painted wood.
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Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Wednesday, 14th April 2010 - Photo #104

"Boat House at Elvaston Castle"

We have been for a walk around Elvaston Castle tonight and when I saw the boat house I thought it was perfect to try a HDR (High Dynamic Range) photo as you need somewhere with plenty of contrast, shadows and light bits. I know my new camera can bracket so thought here we go. Unfortunately, I didn't take my tripod so had to hand hold the camera.

Without reading the instruction book yet about bracketing I flicked through the camera's menu trying to get three or five differently exposed shots (going from darker to lighter). Didn't work as I expected but the bracketed shots are definitely better colour so something has happened. MUST READ THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL SOON!!!
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Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Tuesday, 13th April 2010 - Photo #103

Mum's garden is really coming to life and gave me lots of opportunities for photos. Decided on this one as I like the tiny hairs on the leaves, its a Ranunculus. This one is still a small bud compared to when the flower is fully in bloom.

Got right down on the ground to take it looking slightly back up at the flower head. As there wasn't much wind I managed to hand hold it. Put my close up filter on too.
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Monday, 12 April 2010

Monday, 12th April 2010 - Photo #102

Bit unusual today, I took my camera into town and passed Zanzibar (a nightclub), Mum took a trip down memory lane remembering it as the Gaumont Cinema! As we were looking at how run down the building is, I noticed these two panels right at the top. As I've mentioned before I love anything with faces/statues on it and thought these were beautiful. What a shame they need such alot of repair. I would have loved to see the building in it's heyday but as it opened in 1934 even Mum can't remember that!!
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Sunday, 11 April 2010

Sunday, 11th April 2010 - Photo #101

We have been on a bike ride today to Sawley Marina and passed this boat yard which is on the way. I liked the colours of the boats but have tried to tone down the buildings, it's turned out quite old fashioned looking. It reminds me of an old postcard.

My knees are like jelly now but we enjoyed it!

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Saturday, 10 April 2010

Saturday, 10th April 2010 - Photo #100

I've always loved to see magnolia trees in bloom and wanted one of my own when I got a garden. A couple of years ago my Grandma gave me one that was quite young and it was touch and go whether or not it survived the move from her garden to mine. Here is the proof that it has taken well and there are loads of buds/flowers on it. Because they only last a very short time I wanted to get a photo of the flowers. I started this morning taking the flowers from the side to show the bud shape but when I looked down onto the middle of the flower I noticed this pineapple looking centre. I had another go this afternoon as it is a warm day and lots more flowers had opened, see what I mean about them not lasting long.

Positioned my tripod as close as possible and actually had the camera looking down onto the flower to get this. Used self timer shutter release too to reduce the shake, although there was abit of wind, I just tried a few times to get a sharp one.

Happy 100 photos!!
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Friday, 9 April 2010

Friday, 9th April 2010 - Photo #99

Been over to my sister in law, Sue's, today to catch up as it has been ages since I have seen her and my nephews. We were due to see them in France at Christmas but our flights were cancelled (thanks Easy Jet). Kyle was 12 this week and it is his birthday sleepover today so we had a birthday tea with them.

Here he is opening his cards and presents. I photographed him in front of the window as the light was nice with my new 50mm lens (love it).
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Thursday, 8 April 2010

Thursday, 8th April 2010 - Photo #98

"BMX Track Fun"
Alison and I took the kids to the BMX track today as the weather has been so nice. Didn't take my big camera as I had to carry bike locks, drinks, phones etc etc. So these are taken with my Lumix which I set to sport mode and then forgot to change back for the portraits - doh!! Mind you I was in the middle of the track taking it - that's my excuse anyway!

Took this of Hope too as I wanted to try out shooting towards the sun. I like the effect on her hair but I had to get the angle right as if I took it lower down I got alot of lens flare.

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Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Wednesday, 7th April 2010 - Photo #97

Took my camera stuff to my Mum and Dad's for a quick photoshoot, used just my flash gun and backdrop (with white fleece) in their front room. Unfortunately, the sun was shining a bit through the window and lit up the fleece too much. I shot in RAW and jpeg combined but won't do that again as it took up loads of memory on my SD card. This shot I overexposed by 1 stop as I thought it was a bit dark before. Will retouch Kirsten's coldsores before I print it out though! Bless her.

Note Mum holding her glasses, everybody laughs at me when I take my glasses off for a photo, guess who I get that from? Not bad for saying I didn't have to set my lights up, will try using the flash off camera next time and positioning it away from the camera slightly to avoid those shadows.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Tuesday, 6th April 2010 - Photo #96

Went on a walk today along the canal and noticed these unusual flowers. Took some close up shots but the background was really distracting so in the end decided on a letter box crop of a large clump of them and a border. I think they are called Bistort. Nearly didn't blog as our internet was down, but luckily it's back on in time! Phew.
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Monday, 5 April 2010

Monday, 5th April 2010 - Photo #95

Hope loves cake! It is official but now not only does she love eating it, she loves making it too! Here is her first carrot cake and it's lovely. Tried to give it the old Marks and Spencer treatment by using a close up filter. The only trouble is now I'll have to eat it!! Things I do for this hobby eh?
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