Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Wednesday, 7th April 2010 - Photo #97

Took my camera stuff to my Mum and Dad's for a quick photoshoot, used just my flash gun and backdrop (with white fleece) in their front room. Unfortunately, the sun was shining a bit through the window and lit up the fleece too much. I shot in RAW and jpeg combined but won't do that again as it took up loads of memory on my SD card. This shot I overexposed by 1 stop as I thought it was a bit dark before. Will retouch Kirsten's coldsores before I print it out though! Bless her.

Note Mum holding her glasses, everybody laughs at me when I take my glasses off for a photo, guess who I get that from? Not bad for saying I didn't have to set my lights up, will try using the flash off camera next time and positioning it away from the camera slightly to avoid those shadows.


  1. Nice shot, like the composition, poor old mum's glasses could be photoshoped out as well, or keep them there just to remind you of mum's vanity. LOL

  2. Thanks. The glasses will always make me smile!
