Monday 26 April 2010

Monday, 26th April 2010 - Photo #116

"Wanna Play"

I read a tip today which I think is a really good idea (especially if you're running out of things to take for your blog!), walk, cycle, or drive for exactly 10 minutes and wherever you stop you have to take a photo there. The tip that I read also said to make the photo black and white but obviously that's up to you. Luckily for me there is a field with shetland ponies in it which is just 10 minutes away (I even set my alarm on my phone so I didn't cheat). This little pony was staring at Zac, who was keen to get abit nearer. The pony was really tiny, luckily Kirsten wasn't with me or she would have wanted to bring it home!!

I'll definitely do this again but go 10 minutes in the other direction.
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1 comment:

  1. I think this is serious, it is only April and your running out of things to photograoh for your blog. ????
    You have another 149 days to go young lady, I think you will have to travel further than 10 minutes before the 31st Dec.(what with the price of fuel nowadays, sounds expensive) lol
