Saturday, 19 June 2010

Saturday, 19th June 2010 - Photo #170

Another portrait I'm afraid, but I have been busy today with my studio lights taking pictures of some friends and their children. Really enjoyed it and the lights didn't let me down. This one of Hope was a total fluke I took it trying to see if my flashgun was firing at the same time as my lights and just pointed this towards her to trigger the lights. I have rotated it as she was lying down, I like the effect of her hair flying outwards. Took some in front of the England flag too which doubled up as a great backdrop.
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  1. What's happened to the blog tonight, seems to have taken a bad turn, with me any way. Photo's have taken a leap to the right and appear to have moved out of the background, very strange indeed. Comes up initially OK then does it's strange act, hope it is an easy fix.

    Flash and lights in action tonight and still not over exposed, well done, like the fluke shot too.

  2. Thanks, hope it goes back to normal soon.
