Sunday 6 June 2010

Sunday, 6th June 2010 - Photo #157

I was wondering what to blog today as it's raining and we've been catching up with homework, ironing (yawn, yawn). Passed Hope's disco ball in her room and the idea struck me. Found my black fleece material to use as the background, plugged in the ball and hey presto. I played about with shutter speeds to try and show the different colours wizzing round. I noticed that the longer the shutter speed the lighter the image (obviously more light is able to get into the sensor). This shot is about 1 second which was long enough to get the colours mingling into each other but not too long to burn out the bulb or show up the background.
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  1. And to think scientists and astronomers spend billions of pounds building telescopes and space stations to get pictures just like this. lol. Very clever well done.

  2. Thanks, it does remind me of Close Encounters! It is great to get a picture AND learn something in the process.
