Thursday, 24 June 2010

Thursday, 24th June 2010 - Photo #175

I had a bit of time tonight after dropping the girls off at Guides and not finding what I wanted in town, so decided to take some pictures to blog. I'd parked opposite the site of the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary and decided to have a trip down memory lane by walking down to Trinity Street to the old Nightingale Maternity Home. My Mum was born there and we laugh when we pass it as she tells us this fact every time!! It is now The Nightingale Nursing Home but I think due to the DRI closing the home has closed too and is all boarded up looking very sad. However, I did take some of the front steps and the statue of Florence.

This statue, however, is the one on London Road and is at the old entrance to the hospital. It has been repaired because as a kid I always looked for her missing hand, she now has hand and lamp complete and you can see the join where her head has been fixed back on. I googled the statue and there was a couple of news stories including beer cans being stuck on her lamp by yobs and discussing renaming the site in her memory. I think she has a beautiful look on her face and I really hope that when they redevelop the site they do something fitting for this lovely statue.
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