Monday 12 July 2010

Monday, 12th July 2010 - Photo #193

Been over to Mum and Dad's tonight and yet again got carried away with Mum's gorgeous flowers. Even better it had just stopped raining so I managed to get this bud that was full of rain really close up. I had to be careful not to knock the bud as it would have dislodged the water. I have rotated it to make the bud stand out more, although I do like the grey behind it (it's Mum's newly painted statue).

Just noticed when I enlarged this image that it is a bit grainy, guess what, forgot to change my ISO from the fan experiment last night. Hey ho, hold on all is not lost, the guest speaker at camera club last week said that any grainy pictures usually look ok in monochrome. What do you think?

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  1. Tut tut, how many times have us photographer's left an old setting on our camera, too many is the answer. I try to get into a routine of checking my settings each time the camera comes out of the bag, colour balance is usually my down fall.Doh
    Shot does not suffer too much on this occasion,so you have got away with it this time, hope you are always as lucky. I can enlarge the colour exposure but not the black and white version. ????

  2. It's something I've got to remember to do, maybe reset before I put the camera away. My black and white version will enlarge, don't know whats happening with this blog.

  3. It works very well in monochrome - good one Carol.
