Monday, 26 July 2010

Monday, 26th July 2010 - Photo #207

Been a sad day today as we have been to the funeral of our friend Keith, so not had much time or inclination to take a photo today.

However, walking Zac back from the field I noticed the weathervane that I always look at on the roof of a farm building near our house was pointing in the right direction to get a picture. I have made it black and white but there was hardly any colour in the picture and the sky was totally grey. I think there should be more weathervanes about!

Goodbye Keith x
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  1. My deepest condolence to you on the loss of your friend Keith.

    Yes I like this weather vain too and always look at it when I pass it, just that we bit differnt to the ordinary, and always seems out of place with respect to its surroundings. lol.

  2. My friend Ed (Hicklin), the local farmer made the weather vane at school in our metal work class. A lot of the boys used to help out about now bringing the harvest in to the barns the vane sits on. Nice photo Carol and thanks for your help today.

  3. Thanks Blairwink for background of the weather vane, certainly explains why it is that we bit different from the run of the mill shop bought vane,can't beat hand made. It also goes some way as to explaining why it is on this rather old barn. lol. Very interesting. Hope I have my spelling of vane corrrect tonight Ha Ha.

  4. Thanks you two. Glad to help out blairwink.
