Friday, 7 May 2010

Friday, 7th May 2010 - Photo #127


Read a thread on a photography forum about using as a topic different toys, played about with depth of field and exposure and this is my favourite. It's of Kirsten's "The Dog" collection, they are based on the photos taken by a Japanese company where they use a really high key white background and a special lens which makes the dogs nose seem really big. I have a fish eye option on my camera so am going to try it on Zac when I get 5 minutes!
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  1. Poor old Zac,lol going to get his nose made bigger with a fish eye. Phew.

    Good job he can't read this blog.!!!ha ha .

  2. He runs off when he sees the camera now, he is so sick of me!!!

    Luckily the fish eye procedure is totally painless.
