Sunday, 9 May 2010

Sunday, 9th May 2010 - Photo #129

Right before you all moan, not another flower, this is actually a sculpture. It is at the entrance of the new B & Q in Derby and is a large metal branch complete with leaves and berries. It is straight out of camera (that is how grey the sky was at the time) but I have added the mount to bring out the blue of the metal berries as they are weathering. The base depicts tools alongside plants and nature. I thought at first that it must have some deep meaning, industrial becoming natural but thinking about it, it is probably just showing what B & Q sell!
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1 comment:

  1. Embarrassed, !!!! don't recall seeing this outside B@Q before, must have been driving with my eyes shut, but will definately look out for it next time I visit, but hope it is not too soon, DIY ?? humbug Ha Ha.
