Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Wednesday, 5th May 2010 - Photo #125

Thought I would play about with macro today and really like the label on this bottle of Creme de Cassis that Linda bought me (my favourite tipple - got In Laws in France to thank for that!) Anyway instead of the label I decided to use this one of the top as I like that the bottle itself is out of focus and concentrates on just the top. Right off to college.......Bye.


  1. Think perhaps we have had too much of the contents of said bottle because I can't see image tonight, ooops

    Just getting a red square perhaps when we get back from the club and sobered up a wee bit we can get it corrected Ha Ha.

  2. Sorry about that, not touched a drop...YET! I blame this laptop.

  3. OK I believe you, thousands wouldn't. lol.

    I can see the contents look untouched,enjoy it when you get the chance.

    Your doing my neck no favours again trying to read the top. lol.
